Skull added. Now she’s touching up the entire piece now. Hope all of you are having a great day I’m about to take a nap in this chair because my artist has a touch of an angel. 🤗♥️ pic.twitter.com/YUxNyWyvIv
— Buttons-Metal 🦊🎨🖌️ (@buttonsmetal) January 27, 2021
椅子に座ってから6時間後にはタトゥー完成 今日は最終的なラインワークとカラーリングのタッチアップとスカルの追加でした。ラインワークがとても綺麗でカリカリしています! 合計20時間。次は腕の裏側を行います。下に動画があります。
6 hours later & out of the chair tat complete! Today was final line work, coloring touch ups and skull added. The line work is so clean and crisp! 20 hours total. Next we do the back side of the arm. Below is a video. Big pic here: https://t.co/l2hC3jeHBI Kitsune Up my friends! pic.twitter.com/8eZO2acDjS
— Buttons-Metal 🦊🎨🖌️ (@buttonsmetal) January 27, 2021

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